2006/07/22, 02:35:56, UTC

 VoiCE sing Hildegard and Wilbye

VoiCE is a group of three young singers. Here they sing Nunc Gaudeant by Hildegard of Bingen, and a madrigal by Wilbye; the recording was made in the chapel in the photo. They write of themselves: "We first started singing together in Oxford Girls’ Choir whilst we were still at school. When our school and choir days were over, we stayed in touch, coming together for the occasional concert or recording in Oxfordshire. We also all performed and recorded with Sinfonye (a professional early music group) led by Stevie Wishart, which sparked and embedded our knowledge and love of the music of Hildegard of Bingen. Currently we are all members of Schola Pietatis Antonio Vivaldi, an all-female choir which has developed a true recreation of Vivaldi’s choir of the Pieta, Venice in the early 18th century."
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Source type: Recording
Ambisonic order: F (4 ch) 1st order 3D
Recording device: MOTU Traveler
Microphone name: Core Sound TetraMic
Array type: tetrahedral soundfield
Capsule type: cardioid
Calibration method: sofware, parameters provided with mic

 Creative Commons, Noncommercial, No Derivative Works